Page:The Earliest English Translations of Bürger's Lenore - A Study in English and German Romanticism - Emerson (1915).djvu/8

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include in easily accessible form some of the valuable results of the researches undertaken by members of the various faculties, as well as, by alumni of Western Reserve University. All serious students connected with any department of the University are therefore cordially invited to submit to the Editor pieces of original work which they desire to have published. If the piece of work represents a genuine contribution to the particular field in which it lies, it will be printed in the Bulletin, But only such contributions will be accepted for publication. Unfortunately, for some years to come it is feared, the annual issue of these studies will have to be limited to the May number (considerably increased in size, when necessary), unless a special fund can be obtained for this purpose.

In order that the contributions from every department of the Univerity may be sure of 'specialist' and fair editorial treatment, an Editorial Committee will assist the General Editor of the Bulletin in passing upon articles, the contents of which may be unfamiliar to him. To this end the following members of the University Faculty have kindly consented to serve on the Committee: Professors Arbuthnot (of the department of Economics), Bourne (of the department of History), Emerson (of the department of English), Herrick (of the department of Biology), and Todd (of the department of Anatomy).