Page:The English housekeeper, 6th.djvu/61

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In the months of August and September, particularly the former, fish is considered more decidedly unwholesome than at any other time of the year, and more especially in London. Oysters come in, and Turbot and Salmon go out of season. In choosing Oysters, natives are best; they should be eaten as soon after they are opened as possible. There are various ways of keeping and feeding oysters, for which see Index.

In October Cod comes in good season, also Haddocks, Brill, Tench, and every sort of shell fish.

In November most sorts of fish are to be got, but all are dear. Oysters are excellent in this month.

Fresh Herrings from November to January.

River Eels all the year.

Red Mullet come in May.

Flounders and Plaice in June.

Sprats beginning of November.

Gurnet is best in the spring.

Sturgeon in June.

Yarmouth Mackerel from May till August.


Artichokes are in season from July to October.

Jerusalem Artichokes from September till June.

Asparagus, forced, may be obtained in January; the natural growth, it comes in about the middle of April, and continues through May, June, and July.

French Beans, forced, may be obtained in February, of the natural growth, the beginning of July; and they continue in succession through August.

Red Beet is in season all the year.

Scotch Cale in November.

Brocoli in October.

Cabbage of most sorts in May, June, July, and August.

Cardoons from November till March.

Carrots come in in May.

Cauliflowers, the beginning of June.

Celery, the beginning of September.

Corn Salad, in May.

Cucumbers may be forced as early as March; of their natural growth they come in July, and are plentiful in August and September.