Page:The English housekeeper, 6th.djvu/62

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Endive comes in in June, and continues through the winter.

Leeks come in in September, and continue till the Spring.

Lettuce, both the Coss and the Cabbage, come in about April, and continue to the end of August.

Onions, for keeping, in August.

Parsley, all the year.

Parsnips come in in October; but they are not good until the frost has touched them.

Peas, the earliest forced, come in about the beginning of May; of their natural growth, about the beginning of June, and continue till the end of August.

Potatoes, forced, in the beginning of March; and the earliest of natural growth in May.

Radishes, about the beginning of March.

Small Salad, in May and June; but may be had all the year.

Salsify and Scorzonera, in July and August.

Sea Kale may be found as early as December or January, but of the natural growth it comes in in April and May.

Eschalots, for keeping, in August and three following months.

Spring Spinach, in March, April, and three following months.

Winter Spinach from October through the winter.

Turnips, of the garden, in May; but the field Turnips, which are best, in October.