Page:The Examination and Confession of certain Witches at Chelmsford in the County of Essex.djvu/14

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tained in the only exiſting copy of Lambeth Library, is marked in "An Index of ſuch Engliſh Books printed before the year M.D.C. as are now in the Archiepiſcopal Library at Lambeth, by the Rev. S. R. Maitland," by No. 1339, 1340, and 42.

It is found in a volume which contains ſix different pamphlets of the ſixteenth century. The ſize is duodecimo, bound in brown leather; on each cover the two letters R. B. are printed in gold, being the initials of Richard Bancroft, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, who died in 1610, and who was the founder of Lambeth Library. Our pamphlet contains twenty-two folios, without pagination. The characters are old Engliſh, and, beſides three ornamental drawings at the end of each diviſion, the following woodcuts are printed: