Page:The Examination and Confession of certain Witches at Chelmsford in the County of Essex.djvu/48

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The Examination

ſhe was xii yeres old, and then the quenes atturney aſked her what ſhee could ſay, and then ſhee ſaide that at ſuche a day, naming the daye certayne that ſhee was chirning of butter and there came to her a thynge lyke a blacke dogge with a face like an ape, a ſhort taile, a cheine, and a ſyluer whyſtle (to her thinking) about his neck, and a peyre of homes on his heade, and brought in his mouth the keye of the milkehouſe doore, and then my lorde ſhe ſaide, I was afearde, for he ſkypped and leaped to and fro, and ſatte on the toppe of a nettle, and then I aſked hym what he wolde haue, and he ſaide he woulde haue butter, and I ſaide I had none for him and then he ſaide he wolde haue ſome or he went, and then he dyd run to put the keye into the locke of the mylkehouſe dore, and I ſayde he ſholde haue none, and he ſayde he wolde haue ſome, and then he opened the