Page:The Fall of Maximilan's Empire.djvu/133

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the progress of events, in the shaping of which they had borne so conspicuous a part, and it was with sincere regret that they parted. Captain Aynesley is still alive, passing his old age in the official retirement irrevocably brought about by the flight of time.

Commander de Pritzbuer, being a younger man, is still able to wear the harness; and an American man-of-war entering the vast dock-yard of Rochefort is sure to meet with a pleasant welcome from that gray-haired veteran who, as Vice-Admiral and Préfet Maritime of the Department, is an important factor in the maintenance of that superb navy.

Perhaps the most cordial leave-taking was with Captain Gröller, who returned in the "Elizabeth" on the 12th of July. He had cause to feel grateful to Captain Roe for the efforts made to save his Prince. A letter from him a month later (written in English) will perhaps indicate his regard better than in any other way, and the close of it is here transcribed:

No, dear captain, I shall never forget you, nor your exquisite kindness towards me, and your noble feelings in the disastrous days of Maximilian's murder. I have send your letter to Vienna; now they have been published in all the newspapers of Europe and America. I hope that you shall some day take a leave for Europe or be there as a commodore,—then be sure that I shall do all to persuade you that our land is quite a paradise.

May you be happy on your ways.

Believe me, dearest captain.

Your friend,
