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hand, inserted in the manuscript, it has been compared with a copy in quarto 'written by the Rev. Vigfus Gudbrandsson,' and is filled with interlineations and corrections, which bring it to a fair likeness with the text of 557, 4to.

No. 770 b, 4to. The second saga in this manuscript has the title: ' Hier hefst Saga af Ein'ki Rauda,' beside which title Ami Magnusson has written 'er mipg o correct' ['is very incorrect']. It is an inferior transcript of EsR, in the same hand as that of the text of ÞsK which precedes it.

No. 931, 4to. At the foot of p. 13 of this manuscript is the title ' Her Byriar Sauguna Af Eyreke Rauda Þorv-aldss.' This text covers twenty-two pages, completed, as is stated at the end of the saga, in the year 1734 ['oc likr her þessare s0gu þann 3. Januarij Anno 1734 ']. It is a good clear copy of the text of EsR, omitting, however, the verses of Þorw. [sic] the Huntsman, and the Einfceting ditty.

No. 932, 4to. This collection of sagas was written, as is stated on the title-page, in the year 1821. On p. 268 of the manuscript the 'Saga fra Eyreci Rauda' begins, and is concluded on p. 297. While it follows the text of EsR, certain of the minor errors of that text have been corrected in conformity with the language of ÞsK.

No. 401, fol. This transcript of the ' Saga Ein'ks Rauða ' contains forty-four pages in cursive hand, with notes at the foot and in the margin of the text. Originally a close copy of AM. 557, 4to, it has been corrected in many places apparently to conform to the text of ÞsK. According to the ' Katalog ' this copy was made in the latter half of the last century.

No. 30 Rask Coll. The text here presented under the title ' Sagann af Eireke Rauda,' is a rather inexact copy of EsR, written ca. 1770. This text makes Thorvald Ericsson shoot the Uniped, and has such minor variants from the original as ' Þorvalldr var kallrtdr veidimadr,' 'samtymnis lanþar' in the second line of the second verse, &c.

No. 36 Rask Coll. On p. 116 of this collection of sagas this copy of ' Sagann af Eyrike enum Rauda' begins, and is brought to a conclusion on p. 129. It was written, as is stated at the end of the saga, by Olaf Sigurdsson, and by him completed in January 1810. While it is founded upon EsR, it is rather a paraphrase than a literal copy of that text.

In the Royal Library, Copenhagen.

No. 1697, 4to [Ny kgl. Saml.]. This text, which fills 115 pages, was copied [probably late in the last century], as is stated in the manuscript, from AM. 563 b, X.o, by J. Johnsson. The scribe has followed the corrected text of the manuscript from which his copy was made.

No. 1714, 4to [Ny kgl. Saml.]. This 'Saga af Eyreke Rauda' contains eighteen pages, written in 1715. While it follows in the main EsR, it is not without minor changes due apparently to the influence of ÞsK.

No. 1 1 73, fol. [Ny kgl. Saml.]. This manuscript, from the early part of the present century (?), contains both the Icelandic text and a Latin translation of the ' Saga af Eireke Rauda,' derived, as is stated, from AM. 557, 410, compared with AM. 281 and 563, 4to, and Hauk's Book, together with an excerpt from AM. 770, 8vo.

No. 616, 4to [Kail. Saml. J. The 'Saga Eireks Rauda,' which occupies the ninth place