Page:The Finding of Wineland the Good.djvu/259

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in this collection, fills twelve pages. It is written in a good hand of the early part of the last century, or the end of the seventeenth century, and follows the text of AM. 557 aXo closely.

No. 1776, 4to [Thott. Saml.]. In this bundle of sagas the text of 'Sagan af Eyreke Rauda ' forms a separate tractate. This is a copy of EsR made, probably, in the latter part of the last century, with unimportant variants of the original text as ' Þorvallþr veiþimadr; ' in Thorhall's second ditty 'knarrar skurd,' instead of 'knarrar skeið,' &c.

No. 984 a, fol. [Thott. Saml.]. In this collection of folios there are two texts of EsR; one has the title 'Saga Eyreks Rauda,' the other 'Saga af Eyreke Rauda.' The first contains twenty-six pages, following closely the text of AM. 557, 4to, except in the omission of the stanzas of {"orvald [sic] the Huntsman, and that which refers to the Uniped. The second text contains twenty-eight pages, and, like the first, is a close copy of the text of AM. 557, 4to, except, in this case, in the orthography. Both transcripts appear to have been made in the latter half of the last century.

In the British Museum Library.

No. 11,123. At the end of this quarto manuscript are fifty-three pages, in running hand, containing ' Sagan af Eirike Rauða.' This saga is a fairly literal transcript of the text of EsR. It is preceded by a woodcut of Eric the Red, being the same as that contained in Arngrim Jonsson's ' Gronlandia,' and is followed by a few pages of ' Annals ' and notes the concluding notice bearing the title 'Af {"orbirni Karlsefni,' with the entry, at the end, written at Borgartiin, 1775, by Oddr Jonsson.

No. 11,126. This is a folio manuscript of thirty-seven pages. On an inserted fly-leaf is the note ' Saga Eiriks Rauda ex membrana in Arnæ Magnæi Bibliotheca in 4to, Num. 557.' There are a few marginal corrections of the clerical errors of AM. 557, 4to, as 'skridu ' for 'skylldu,' 'fundu kiol ' for 'fengu skiol,' &c., and a few lacunæ in the transcript where the scribe has not been able to read the words of the vellum. According to the Manuscript Catalogue, this copy was made in Copenhagen in 1768 by Odd Jonsson. Both 11,123, and 11,126 are from the collection of Finn Magnusen.

No. 4,867 [Banks Coll.]. A manuscript in folio containing many sagas, of which the third in the collection is ' Sagann af Eyreke Ravda,' which fills sixteen pages, and is a fairly accurate copy of the text of AM. 557, 4to, written, as would appear from an entry at the end of the saga, in 1691.

In addition to these paper manuscripts of the text of EsR there are others in the National Library of Reykjavik [143, 4to, 150, 410, and 151, 4to], and one in the Royal Library pf Stockholm, which I have not found it possible to examine. The text of the Stockholm manuscript. No. 35, fol., conforms to that of AM. 557, 4to [cf. Arwidsson, Förteckning öfver Kongl. Bibliothekets i Stockholm Islandska Handskrifter, Stockholm, 1848, pp. 66-7], and it is not probable that the Reykjavik manuscripts offer any peculiarities differing from those exhibited by the paper transcripts above mentioned.

Of the Wineland history of the Flatey Book there is in the Arna-Magnæan Collection a