Page:The Finding of Wineland the Good.djvu/260

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paper copy of the Saga of Olaf Tryggvason, being No. 57, fol., which contains the Þáttr Eireks Rauda' [pp. 1064-73, new pagination 5336-38], as well as the ' Grænlendingha þáttr' [pp. 1361-94, new pagination 682-986], This is a literal transcript of the narrative of the Flatey Book.

It seems safe to conclude that the texts of all these paper manuscripts are derived, directly or indirectly, from the vellum manuscripts which have been preserved, and of which facsimiles are here given. In the numerous transcripts of the texts of EsR and ÞsK there are no passages which indicate an origin other than the two vellum manuscripts, AM. 544 and 557, 4to, and the numerous variants from these originals have, in all likelihood, arisen either through the editorial care or clerical carelessness of the scribes of these transcripts.