Page:The Finding of Wineland the Good.djvu/52

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erected in the ground, touching the breast of the dead, and subsequently, when the priests came thither, the pole was withdrawn and holy water poured in [the orifice], and the funeral service held there, although it might be long thereafter. The bodies of the dead[1] were conveyed to the church at Ericsfirth, and the funeral services held there by the clergy. Thorbiorn died soon after this, and all of this property then passed into Gudrid's possession. Eric took her to his home and carefully looked after her affairs[2].

Concirning Thord of Höfdi

There was a man named Thord, who lived at Höfdi on Höfdi-strands. He married Fridgerd, daughter of Thori the Loiterer[3] and Fridgerd, daughter of Kiarval the King of the Irish. Thord was a son of Biorn Chestbutter[4], son of Thorvald Spine[5], Asleik's son, the son of Biorn Iron-side[6], the son of Ragnar Shaggy-breeks[7]. They had a son named Snorri. He married Thorhild Ptarmigan[8], daughter of Thord the Yeller[9]. Their son was Thord Horse-head[10]. Thorfinn Karlsefni[11] was the name of Thord's son (40). Thorfinn's mother's name was Thorunn[12]. Thorfinn was engaged in trading voyages, and was reputed to be a successful merchant. One summer Karlsefni equipped his ship, with the intention of sailing to Greenland. Snorri, Thorbrand's son[13], of Alptafirth (41) accompanied him, and there were forty men on board the ship with them. There was a man named Biarni, Grimolf's son, a man from Breidafirth, and another named Thorhall, Gamli's son (42), an East-firth man. They equipped their ship, the same summer as Karlsefni, with the intention of making a voyage to Greenland; they had also forty men in their ship. When they were ready to sail, the two ships put to sea together[14]. It has not been recorded how long a voyage they had; but it is to be told, that both of the ships arrived at Ericsfirth in the autumn. Eric and other of the inhabitants of the country rode to the ships, and a goodly trade was soon established between them. Gudrid[15] was requested by the skippers to take such of their wares as she wished, while Eric, on his part, showed

  1. ÞsK: 'of Thorstein and the others.'
  2. ÞsK: 'Eric received Gudrid, and acted as a father toward her. Shortly thereafter Thorbiorn died; then all of the property passed into her possession; Eric then took her to his home, and looked well after her affairs.'
  3. híma.
  4. byrðusmiǫr.
  5. hryggr.
  6. járnsíða.
  7. loðbrók.
  8. rjúpa.
  9. gellir.
  10. hesthǫfði.
  11. Karlsefni, one who gives promise of becoming a man.
  12. EsR: Instead of this genealogical list has: 'There was a man named Thorfinn Karlsefni, a son of Thord Horse-head, who lived in the north, at Reyniness, in Skagafirth, as it is now called. Karlsefni was a man of fine family and was very well-to-do.'
  13. EsR: Þorbiazrson.
  14. ÞsK: 'Karlsefni and the others put to sea with these two ships, when they were ready.'
  15. ÞsK: Eric.