Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 5 1887.djvu/368

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The Council now hope to inaugurate a system of meetings whereby the co-operation of members may be secured for furthering the objects of the Society, and particulars of any such meetings will be announced every quarter in the Journal.

The Council are happy to say that they have now commenced the Handbook of Folk-Lore. They are anxious to receive as much assistance as possible from any of the members in this work, and proofs of the several sections of the book as they are finished will be forwarded by the Director to such members as may notify to him their willingness to co-operate in the work.

During the past year the Council have been requested to sanction the translation into Spanish of Mr. W. G. Black's Folk-Medicine, one of the publications of the Society issued in 1883, and it has given them great pleasure to readily accord such sanction. Professor T. F. Crane, of New York, has suggested to the Society to undertake the publication of some recent studies he has made on medieval stories, particularly an edition of the Exempla of Jacques de Vitry which is entirely inedited. The Council have expressed their willingness to accede to Professor Crane's proposal. Other propositions as to future publications are under consideration, and the Council do not forget their obligation to publish the Denham Tracts at as early a date as possible. During the past year the Council have issued Mr. Swainson's Folk-lore of Birds, and they hope the Magyar Folk-Tales will soon follow. This will bring the issue of the publications fairly up to date.