Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 6 1888.djvu/292

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Mining superstition, Wales, 211 Mist, origin of, Bengalese tale, 108 Modern folk-lore, 91-92, 109-110 Mole, god in Aino folk-lore, 14-15

legend of, Washington, 89

Monkeys, why they do not exist among

the Ainos, 17 Moon, effect of, on man, Mentra legend,

67 legend of the, Mentra, 68; Chi- nese, 77-79

new, praying to, Roscommon,

57; Sutherlandshire, 234

superstitions concerning the,

91 Moral tales, Aino, 21-29, 193; position

of in folk-lore, 79-80 Mother-in-law, avoidance of, Somali,

124 Moule (H. J.), Dorsetshire folk-lore,

115-119 Mountain fairy, Sutherlandshire, 173 Mugwort, divinity of, Aino, 49 Mullen (St.), county Kilkenny, 60 Mummers, county Clare, 54 Murray-Mynsley (H. G. M.), Turning

tlie Looking Glass, 146 Museum, folk-lore, suggested, 268 Music in Malay folk-tale, 137 Music, legend of, heard under water,

Washington, 86

Nagas, Indian mythical, 66 Names, place, Mentra tribes, 71-73 Naming customs, Aino, 48; Mentra,

65; Prabhus, 76 Napoleon III. superstition of, 151 Natural phenomena explained by folk- tales, Aino, 3, 7-21 ; Mentra, 66-70; See "Clouds" Negro traditions near Washington, 85 New Year customs, Clare, 54; Long- ford, 61 Noah's ark in clouds, 97 Noodle story, Sutherlandshire, 168-169,

185 Nutt (Alfred), an old ballad, query, 144

Oak tree, god of the, Aino, 20, 49 Oaths by sacred bells, Ireland, 53 Ogre, in Aino folk-tale, 15-16; Hun- garian folk-tale, 201 Omens, Sutherlandshire, 233 - 234;

Washington, 91 Ossianic story, Sutherlandshire, 159- 160, 169, 174

Otter, deception of, by fox, Aino folk- tale, 17

Otters, king of the, Sutherlandshire, 248-249

Owl, origin cf its cap of feathers, Aino, 7; of its eating fish, Aino, 9; beliefs concerning, Aino, 47

Pancake, divination by, Clare, 54

Passion week, bell disused during, 146, 210

Patron solemnities, Antrim, 55; Cork, 58; Down, 60; Roscommon, 56

Peacock (Edward), Banes' Blood, 273; Church Fulk-Lore, 275

Peacock, divinity of, Aino, 43, 48

Perrault's Popular Tales, by A. Lang, reviewed, 212-213

Perthshire, folk-lore of Balquhidder, 268-271

Phallic superstition at Cerne Abbas, Dorset, 119

Picts, king of the, in Sutherlandshire legend, 174

Pigeon feathers not to be used for a bed, Dorset, 115

Pin, stuck into head of heroine, Hun- garian folk-tale, 208

Pincushion-stone, legend of near Wash- ington, 88

Pine tree, god of the, Aino, 36, 49

Plant-lore, Irish, 265-267; Rutland- shire, 273

Polygamy, Aino, 41

Polynesian folk-lore, fire in, 147-148

Porter (Bertha), Whistling Women, 276-277

Prabhus, birth ceremonies of, 75-77

Priests, magic power of, Sligo, 52

Property inheritance by marriage, Aino, 41

Prophecies, Aino, 196

Proverbs, Shropshire, 273 ; Sutherland- shire, 237

R. (B.), second book of Herodotus,

1584, edited by W. Lang, review of,

213-214 Race between fox and tiger, Aino, 18 Rain caused by dreams of liquids,

Aino, 50 Rainbow in Mentra legend, 66 Rat and the owl, story title, Aino, 7 worship of by man, Aino, 16;

transformation of into man, 24 Raven, transformed into man, Aino,
