Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 7 1889.djvu/312

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his coat to be removed, and the five hundred to be given him, but peasant explains that he has no right to them, having given two hundred to sentry, and three hundred to Jew. These two enter with their claim, and receive the blows strictly counted out. Sentry bears it patiently, but Jew reflects sorrowfully about the heavy thalers.—(7) King laughs at peasant, promising another reward in place of the one he did not receive. Tells him to take as much money as he likes from treasure chamber. Peasant fills his pockets and goes to an inn to count his money; Jew creeps after him, and, overhearing disrespectful soliloquy about king, hopes to get reward for informing against him. King is enraged and commands Jew to bring the offender.—(8) Jew tells peasant to go at once to king in the clothes he is wearing; but peasant says, wealthy as he is, he will certainly have a new coat made before presenting himself. Jew, dreading delay lest king's anger should cool, offers to lend his own coat, which contents peasant.—(9) King reproaches peasant with his evil speaking; peasant rejoins that a Jew is always false, and that that rascal would probably maintain that he had his coat on. Jew shrieks out that such is even the case, when king, perceiving that either he or peasant has been deceived by Jew, orders something to be counted out to him in hard thalers. Peasant goes home exultant in thegood coat with good money in his pocket.

'Alphabetical List of Incidents.

Butcher drives peasant away with broomstick (2).

Frogs correct peasant's counting (1).

King's daughter offered to peasant on making her laugh (3).

King gives sentry two hundred blows, and Jew three hundred (6).

Laughter of King's daughter at peasant's loss (3).

Meat given to dogs; butcher to pay for it (2),

Money thrown into water for frogs to count (1).

Peasant appears before King in Jew's coat (8).

Peasant exchanges rest of reward with Jew (5).

Peasant promises part reward to sentry (4).

Peasant secures coat and money (9).

Where published.—Grimm's Household Tales. London, 1884. Tale 7, i. pp. 31-35.

Nature of Collection, whether:—

1. Original or translation.—Translation by Margaret Hunt.

2. If by word of mouth, state narrator's name.

3. Other particulars.

Special Points noted by the Editor of the above.—See Author's notes, p. 351.