Page:The Game of Life.djvu/79

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Perfect Self-Expression or The Divine Design

gage was never delayed nor lost! Accommodations were always ready for her at the best hotels; and she had perfect service wherever she went. She returned to New York. Knowing the language, she felt God was no longer necessary, so looked after her affairs in an ordinary manner.

Everything went wrong, her trunks delayed, amid inharmony and confusion. The student must form the habit of “practicing the Presence of God” every minute. “In all thy ways acknowledge him;” nothing is too small or too great.

Sometimes an insignificant incident may be the turning point in a man’s life.

Robert Fulton, watching some boiling water, simmering in a tea kettle, saw a steamboat!

I have seen a student, often, keep back his demonstration, through resistance, or pointing the way.

He pins his faith to one channel only, and dictates just the way he desires the manifestation to come, which brings things to a standstill.

My way, not your way!” is the command of Infinite Intelligence. Like all Power, be it steam or electricity, it must have a nonresistant engine or instrument to work through, and man is that engine or instrument.

Over and over again, man is told to “stand still”. “Oh Judah, fear not; but to-morrow go out against them, for the Lord will be with you. You shall not need to fight this battle; set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you.”

We see this in the incidents of the two thousand dollars coming to the woman through the landlord when she became nonresistant and undisturbed,