Page:The Game of Life.djvu/80

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The Game of Life and How to Play It

and the woman who won the man’s love “after all suffering had ceased.”

The student’s goal is Poise! Poise is Power, for it gives God-Power chance to rush through man, to “will and to do Its good pleasure.”

Poised, he thinks clearly, and makes “right decisions quickly.” “He never misses a trick.”

Anger blurs the visions, poisons the blood, is the root of many diseases, and causes wrong decision leading to failure.

It has been named one of the worst “sins,” as its reaction is so harmful. The student learns that in metaphysics sin has a much broader meaning than in the old teaching. “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.”

He finds that fear and worry are deadly sins. They are inverted faith, and through distorted mental pictures, bring to pass the thing he fears. His work is to drive out these enemies (from the subconscious mind). “When Man is fearless he is finished!” Maeterlinck says, that “Man is God afraid.”

So, as we read in the previous chapters: Man can only vanquish fear by walking up to the thing he is afraid of. When Jehoshaphat and his army prepared to meet the enemy, singing “Praise the Lord, for his mercy endureth forever,” they found their enemies had destroyed each other, and there was nothing to fight.

For example: A woman asked a friend to deliver a message to another friend. The woman feared to give the message, as the reasoning mind said, “Don’t get mixed-up in this affair, don’t give that message.”