Page:The Game of Life.djvu/81

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Perfect Self-Expression or The Divine Design

She was troubled in spirit, for she had given her promise. At last, she determined to “walk up to the lion,” and call on the law of divine protection. She met the friend to whom she was to deliver the message. She opened her mouth to speak it, when her friend said, “So-and-So has left town.” This made it unnecessary to give the message, as the situation depended upon the person being in town. As she was willing to do it, she was not obliged to; as she did not fear, the situation vanished.

The student often delays his demonstration through a belief in incompletion. He should make this statement:

“In Divine Mind there is only completion, therefore, my demonstration is completed. My perfect work, my perfect home, my perfect health.”

Whatever he demands are perfect ideas registered in Divine Mind, and must manifest, “under grace in a perfect way.” He gives thanks he has already received on the invisible, and makes active preparation for receiving on the visible.

One of my students was in need of a financial demonstration. She came to me and asked why it was not completed.

I replied: “Perhaps, you are in the habit of leaving things unfinished, and the subconscious has gotten into the habit of not completing (as the without, so the within).”

She said, “You are right. I often begin things and never finish them.

“I’ll go home and finish something I commenced weeks ago, and I know it will be symbolic of my demonstration.”