Page:The Genuine Speech of the Lord Lansdowne, against Repealing the Occasional and Schism Bills.djvu/14

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[ 14 ]

Church, at once, will indeed be no Remedy.

A Noble Duke ſeems much offended at Catholicks and other Diſſenters being mentioned in this Debate, upon an Equality: For what Reaſon? Why, ſays his Grace, becauſe their Religion is High Treaſon; The Catholick Religion is High Treaſon. I never underſtood their Religion to be High Treaſon: I have heard it might be High Treaſon to make Converts to it; and by the ſame Rule the Reform’d Religion may be High Treaſon in a Popiſh Country. But if we may, without Offence, compare them upon a Foot of Merit with other Diſſenters (I mean only with reſpect to our Government) the Catholicks, as far as has been yet made to appear, are ſurely entitled to the Preference. To whom do we owe Magna Charta, but to our Popiſh Barons be-
