Page:The Genuine Speech of the Lord Lansdowne, against Repealing the Occasional and Schism Bills.djvu/15

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[ 15 ]

fore the Reformation? And were there not as many and as frequent Struggles for Liberty, as we call it, in thoſe Catholick Times, as ſince? To whom do we owe the Revolution, but to Catholick Powers; the Pope himſelf, united to encourage and ſupport the Prince of Orange in his Undertaking? To whom do we owe our preſent Security in the Proteſtant Eſtabliſhment, but to the moſt Formidable, the moſt Arbitrary, the moſt Perſecuting of all Popiſh Powers; the moſt Inveterate, the moſt Implacable Enemies of the Proteſtant Perſwaſion, France, Savoy, and the Empire? Have not the Miniſters aſſured us, one after another, That thoſe mortal Enemies to our Souls in another World, are our only Guarantees for Salvation in This?
