Page:The Goddesses in Congress on Olympus-on-Spree.djvu/21

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Juno. Aye but, young nymph (I must not say 'young woman')
She's Pan-Teutonic now,—not Holy Roman!
Minerva. None of your quips here, Venus,—don't be stupid;—
I am too much for you, as well as Cupid.
Is this the way you prove your friendship's hearty,
In pressing me to join your garden-party?—
Now,—list, all, to the Chair!—I shan't be long:—
I need not, now, remind you that I'm strong,
And hence you may be sure I shall not shrink
From speaking out exactly what I think.—
"High motives"—"freedom"—all that's very pleasant
For Proserpine to tell a docile peasant,—
Or the marines,—but, among us, 'twon't do
To try that "high falutin';—Entre nous,
Fighting's expensive; and she wouldn't try it,
Unless she thought that she could profit by it.
Well,—she has fought, and she has gained the day;—
Let Kars and Bessarabia be her pay;
In other hands she leaves the Stygian plain,
So Juno need not fear for her domain,—
Juno Yes, but she may be up to her old tricks;—
She has the Poles,—then why come near the Styx?