Page:The Goddesses in Congress on Olympus-on-Spree.djvu/22

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Minerva. You must not let it come within her clutch.
Then,—Thetis' interests she does not touch.
Nile's fertile vale she does not take,—
Thetis. She can't.
Minvera. Nor holds poor Isis's boats in pledge,—
Thetis. She shan't.
Minerva. Stamboul she enters not, although so nigh,—
Thetis. I keep a boat or two, in case, close by;—
Of course we need not trace a motive thence;
It's what we call a " strange coincidence."
Minerva. Remains the question,—"What about the Key?"
(As for the Turk, right glad we'd be to see
Him—pace Gladstone—out of Coventree!)
I will say to th' opinion I incline
That no one need complain of Proserpine;
So none will do so, since that is my view;—
I'm strong, I said;—I'm independent, too.
Thetis. Excuse me, Pallas,—I will speak my mind;—
You independent?—nothing of the kind!—
What obligations for the past you feel,
You best know,—but the fact you can't conceal.
Strong you are, 'gainst a foe that's single-handed,
But rightly shrink from two together banded;—
Strong, and, to imitate your bluntness fully,
A little bit inclined to play the bully.
You well know Venus for revenge is greedy,