Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/155

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same Absolute Brahman. The term "Mother" is very sweet. Therefore I like to call Him "Mother." We must learn to love the Personal God (Iswara). Through love He can be easily attained. Love, devotion and faith are the most valuable. Listen to another song. The Bhagavan sang again:

Love for the Divine Mother

1. Ecstasy dawneth when I meditate upon my Divine Mother. As is the ardor of thought so is the attainment; but the root must be perfect faith.

2. If the mind diveth into the sea of Bliss at the feet of my Mother, then is there fio further need of worship, rituals, sacrifice or repetition of the Lord's name.

3. The devotee of the Divine Mother is free even in this life and doth enjoy everlasting Bliss.

He who can dive into the sea of Bliss becomes immortal. The Lord is described in the Vedas The Lord the Ocean of Immortality. as the Ocean of Immortal Bliss. Whosoever enters into it becomes free from death. Some people have a wrong idea that too much meditation upon