Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/156

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the Absolute will unbalance the mind. No one becomes unbalanced by meditating upon the Absolute. Devotional exercises, rituals, ceremonials, sacrifices or the pouring of oblations into the sacred fire — such works are needless when true love for the Lord comes in the heart of the devotee. A fan is needed so long as there is no breeze. So when the breeze of Divine Love blows all ritualistic works become unnecessary. Referring to Vidyasagara the Bhagavan con- tinued: The works which you are doing are Selfless works purify the heart. good works - If you can perform them without seeking their result and without thinking that you are the "doer," then it will be still better. The highest result of works done in this selfless man- ner is the attainment of true love for God. Such works purify the heart and bring God- consciousness in the end. But as your love for the Lord becomes more and more intense, your religious works will become less and less. A married woman diligently performs the house- hold duties, but she is not allowed to do any heavy work when she is about to give birth to her child. You are doing charitable works and other works for the good of humanity. In