Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/386

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that they had at their Math a Siddha who had acquired some miraculous powers. He used to go about with his eyes fixed on the sky, not caring for his companion Ganesh Gorgy, yet when he left him, he became disconsolate. By this time a change had come over the Bhagavan. He remained speechless for a while. Returning to consciousness, he said: "You have come, have you? Well, I am here too." Who was there to fathom the mystery of these divine words !

    after practising for forty years. He used to travel from place to place in India, never spending more than three days in one spot. When he came to Dakshineswara he lived under the trees at the Panchavati and wore no clothes. After seeing Ramakrishna he desired to instruct Him in Advaita Vedanta. Ramakrishna like a child replied: "I shall ask my Divine Mother, and if She gives me Her permission I shall learn of you." The sage Tota Puri was pleased with His answer. He then stayed with Ramakrishna for eleven months, which was quite unusual for him to do. He gave Him instructions on the oneness of the Jiva with Brahman, and within three days Ramakrishna realized that supreme oneness by reaching the Nirvikalpa Samddhi. Seeing this state Tota Puri de- clared in utter amazement: "How wonderful is the Divine mystery! Thou hast acquired in three days what I ac- complished after forty years of hard struggle." Since then he regarded Ramakrishna as his Spiritual Brother.