Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/387

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Among the disciples who sat at the feet of Ramakrishna, Narendra did not believe in the Incarnation of God, while Girish had a burning faith that God incarnated Himself from age to age in this world of ours. The Bhagavan wished them to discuss the matter before Him. Sri Ramakrishna (to Girish) : I should like to hear you both talk over the matter in English. The discussion was commenced. It was, however, carried on not in English but in Ben-gali, with here and there an English word. Narendra: God is Infinite; it is beyond our power to conceive Him by means of our poor intellect. God is in every human God manifest. being, but He is not manifest in one particular individual.

The Bhagavan (affectionately): I quite con-cur. He is in every object, in every human being; only there is a difference in the mani-festation of Divine Energy in those objects. The Divine Energy manifest in some objects leads one away from God and is then called Avidya (ignorance). When it leads Godward it is called Vidya. Again, the manifested