Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/388

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energy is greater in some vessels and less in others. Thus it is that all men are not equal. A disciple: What is the use of all this idle talk? Bhagavan: There is a great deal of use in it. Girish (to Narendra) : How do you know that God does not take a human body, does not in-carnate Himself? Narendra: Oh! God is surely beyond the reach of words and the finite mind! Ramakrishna: Quite so; beyond the finite impure mind. But He can be realized by the God realized by purified soul. purified intellect (Buddhi). Purified intellect and purified soul are one The holy sages (Rishis) realized the pure universal Spirit by their purified intellect and purified soul. Girish (to Narendra): If God does not incar-nate Himself in a human form, who will ex-plain these difficult problems? He assumes human form to teach mankind Divine Wisdom and Divine Love. Who else has the power to teach in the same manner?

Narendra: Why, He will certainly teach me wihin the heart.