Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/420

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Syam Babu: But, Sir, the Theosophists seek to put Hinduism once more on a firm basis. Sri Ramakrishna: That may be. I am not well posted as to their views or doings. Syam Babu: Questions like the following are dealt with in Theosophy. What region is the soul bound for after death — the lunar sphere or the stellar mansions? Sri Ramakrishna: I dare say. But let me give you an idea of my way of thinking. Some-body put it to Hanuman, the great lover of God, "What day of the lunar fortnight is it?" Ha-numan replied: "My dear sir, excuse me. I know nothing about the days of the week, the day of the lunar fortnight, or the stars telling of the destiny on a particular day. That is not my concern. I meditate on Rama and on Rama alone." Syam Babu: Sir, the Theosophists believe in Mahatmas. May I ask whether you hold that Mahatmas are real beings?

Sri Ramakrishna: If you care to take my word for truth, I say "Yes." But will you be good enough to let these matters alone? Come when I am better. Do but put faith in my words and I shall see that you find peace. Do you not observe that I do not take either money