Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/421

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or clothes or any other thing? In some theatri-cal representations well-to-do visitors are ex-pected to encourage the actors by gifts of money during the performance. Here people are not called upon to make such gifts. This is why so many come here. (To the Doctor) What I have to say to you is this — but do not take offence! You have had enough of the things of the world, money, fame, lectures, and so on. Now give your mind a little to God, and come here now and then. It is good to listen to words relating to God. Such words enlighten the soul and turn it to the Lord. A short while after the Doctor stood up to say good-bye. But just then Girish came in, and the Doctor was so glad to see him that he took his seat again. Girish, stepping forward, sa-luted the Bhagavan and kissed the dust of His hallowed feet. The Doctor watched all this in silence. Doctor: So long as I was here, Girish Babu was not good enough to come. He must come just as I am about to go.

There was then a talk about the Science As-sociation and the lectures delivered there. Girish took an interest in these lectures.