Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/440

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Him or heard of His Divine personality. Hun- dreds of people came every day to see Him and to pay reverent, homage to Him. Some came to receive His blessing, some to kiss the dust of His Holy Feet, some to hear a few words uttered by Him, and others to clear the doubts of their minds. Among these were a few more devoted ones, like Hari, Gangadhar, Sarada, Tulsi, who afterwards joined the Order and were known as Turiyananda, Akhandananda, Trigunatita, and Nirmalananda. Bhagavan Ramakrishna received them all with equal kind- ness and was ever ready to help them. Although His love for humanity. His physical body was weakened and exhausted, still His desire to help mankind was so great that He often exclaimed; "I would give twenty thousand bodies like this if by that I could help one single soul in the path of righteousness and God-consciousness!" Dr. Sircar and other physicians gave strict orders to the Sannyasin disciples to allow no one to come near the Bhagavan, as He needed absolute rest and must have no excitement of any kind. The Sannyasin disciples followed this advice to the letter and would not allow even the householder disciples to come near Him or touch His holy body. But Sri Rama-