Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/441

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krishna could not bear this bondage. He burst into tears when He heard of this restric-tion. His heart melted with Divine Love and He declared that His suffering was infinitely less than that of the worldly people who were groaning under the burden of their worldly cares and anxieties and who had no one to lift them above this mundane existence. His love for humanity was so great that, disregarding His bodily welfare, He called everyone near unto Him in the same manner as Jesus the Christ called all those who were heavily laden and who sought for peace and rest. Many a time the Bhagavan declared before His beloved Sannyasin children: Divine Mother is working through this form. She has kept it so long because Her work is not yet finished.

When He could scarcely speak or swallow any food, the Bhagavan said: I am now speak-His oneness with all. ing and eating through so many mouths. I am the Soul of all indi-vidual souls. I have infinite mouths, infinite heads, infinite hands and feet. My pure form is spiritual. It is absolute Existence, Intelli-gence and Bliss condensed, as it were. It has neither birth nor death, neither sorrow, disease nor suffering. It is immortal and perfect. I