Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/221

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��IN the city of Liverpool, county of Lancashire, England, September 25, 18 16, was born, of sturdy yeoman stock, John Eves. To see his full, genial face and sturdy form is to know him to be of English birth. At the age of fourteen he was apprenticed to learn the plumbers trade and served the seven years required in the old country, until, at the age of twenty-one, he was a thorough workman in every branch of the business. In 1847, ^^ resolved to better his condition, and gathering his household goods he embarked for the western continent. After a rough passage of eight weeks, he and his wife Anice landed in New York, June 14th. A skilled workman, he had no difficulty in securing employ- ment, and for five years he was connected with the best establishment in the line in the metropolis. In 1852, he removed to Boston, and was engaged by the firm of Lockwood and Lumb. Under their direction he visited many parts of the United States. Concord was one of the places visited. So much pleased was he with the city, that thither he came in 1864, and settled for life, winning his way by skilful workmanship, fair dealing, and honorable conduct to a high position in the respect of his fellow citizens. As a plumber he has done much to educate the public mind of this city and State to the importance of ventilation, sewage, and a proper attention to sanitary laws. His skill has been employed in many of the public buildings and private residences of the State. He is undoubtedly the oldest, most experienced, and most capable scientific plumber in the United States, and the City of Concord and the State of New Hampshire are especially fortunate in attracting and holding to this locality a man whose skill, honesty and prudence is of so much vital impor- tance as that of the plumber.

John Eves is the father of three children, two daughters, and one son, John VV. Eves, upon whom the mantle of the father seems likely to fall, for already in early manhood he gives evidence of inheriting his father's skill. Still in the pride of robust manhood and perfect health, Mr. Eves is enjoving the leisure and dignity which a long life of honest toil and thoughtful foresight warrants him in accepting, at the same time overseeing the large business which comes o his care.



March 16th, 1794. Otha Stevens, Born July 22d, 177fi.

Now Enter on Eecord the Birth of Jesse Ed man Stevens, Born Jul\" ;}d, 1778.

Stevens' Children : David Stevens, Born Xovember 10, 1780.

■D„i.(. o*. T> /-» i u oA T70 4 Bets\' Stevens. Born December S, 1782.

Bettsy Stevens. Born October 20. 1784. j^^^ ^t^y^n^. Born Julv 29. 178.5

Susanna Stevens. Born July ->3, L89^ j,,^, y^,^^^; B^^.,, Septcubcr 29. 1788.

Anna Stevens Born December 4 1.91. p^,, g^^^^,, j,orn s' pton.ber 13. 1791.

Asa Stevens, Born May 5th, 1794. ^^,,^4 g^^^^^^^^ B,^,.^^ q/^^,,,,^^,. ^., ^.^.^^

March 16th. 1794. Moses Stevens, Born July 29th. 1796.

Now Recorded the Births of Simon Ste- Abigail Stevens, Born September 11th, vens' Children : 1798.

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