Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/222

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��Thomas Jefferson Stevens, Born March

the 12th, 1801. David Stevens, departed this life Dec.

the 3d. 1806. Simon Stevens, Jr.. Born Julv the IGth,

1803, and Died December thelGcli, 1800.

Canterbur}', March 18, 1791. Now Recorded the Births of Samuel Sargent's Children :

His oldest son, Ezra Sargent, Born March

21, 1774. Aaron Sargent. Born Oct. 15, 1775. Samuel Stevens, Jan., Marcli 21, 1777. Dominieus Sargent. Born Nov. 12, 1778. Lydia Sargent, Born February 20, 1783. Charles Sargent. Born Febr. 28, 1785. Sally Sargent, Born January 27, 1787. Nancy Sargent, Born July 22. 1790. Miry Sargent, Born Febry. 25, 1794. John Sargent, Born June 12. 1792, and

Died 18 January, 1793.

Births, tfec, of Aaron Sargent's family: Aaron Sargent was Born October the

loth, 1775. and was Married to Sai-ah

Foster, of Hanover, Novem. the 13th,

1799. Their first Child, named Lawrev, Born

August the 2Gth, 1801. Their 2nd Child, named Sophrona, Born

Sept. the 1st. 1803.

Saml. Moor. Jun., Born Aug. 5th, 1778. Canterbury, December 16th, 1794.

James Foster, Born December 2Sth, 1765. Bettsy, his wife. Born August 18, 1764. James Foster and Bettsy Samborn, was

Married January 19. 1790. Dorety Smith Samborn, her daughter,

Born July 27th, 1784. Hannah Foster, Born March 1, 1791. James Gilman Foster, Born Feb. 22, 1793,

and Died October 15, 1794. Tliomas Foster, Born January 29, 1795.

and Died March the 11, 1795. Clarissa Foster, Born 11th June, 1796. Jeremiah Foster, Born 4th August 1798. John Taylor Gilman Foster, Born 19th

July, 1800. Peter Foster was Born April the 27th,


Canterbury. March 20, 1795. Now Recorded the Births Ruben Morrill Child :

Sally Morrill, Born October 21, 1794. Polly Morrill, Born September 16th. 1796. David Morrill, Born August the 12th, A.

D., 1798. Phebe Morrill. Born October the 16, 1804,

and Died Auj^ust the 31 1807. Robert Smith Morrill, Born May the 11th,

1807. Mora Emily, Born 18th, August 1811.

��Canterbury, August 8th, 1795. Now Recorded the Births of William

Forrest Children : Bettsy Forrest, Born April the 9, 1783. Hannah Forrest. Born May the 15, 1785. Jeremiah Forrest, Born June 25, 1787. Polly Forrest, Born May 25, 1789. Mehitable Forrest, Born July 28, 1709. Sukey Forrest, Born September 3, 1793. D jrothy Forrest, Born the 30th of May

1796. Nancv Forrest, was Born April the 12th,

1798. Sarah Forrest, was Born Julv the 5th,

1801. Franklin Forrest, was Born June the 9th,

1803. Sidney Forrest, Born May the 9th, 1805. William Forrest, Died January the 7th,

1817, aged 60 years, 9 months, and 2

davs. He was Born in Boston, April

5th. 1759. His wife Dorothy Worthing, was Born in Concord, Feby. 7, 1763.

March 16. 1796. This day Recorded the Births of Nathanel

Pallet Children : Joseph Pallet, Born February 12. 1779. Jane Pallet, 16 September, 1782. Molev Pallet. Born August 1, 1785. Benjamin Pallet. Born November 9, 1789. Deliverance Pallet, Born May 14, 1790.

Canterburv, March 24. 1796.

Now Enter the Births Shubael Sanborn Children :

Bettsy Sanborn. Born December 18th, 1790.

Benjamin Samborn, Born January 16, 1793.

Smith Sanborn. Born July 22. 1795.

Hannah Sanborn, Born February 28, 1798.

Pollv Sanborn, Born April 13, 1800.

Shubael Sanborn, Born March 14, 1802.

Abraham Sanborn. Born May 19, 1804.

Jeremiah Sanborn, Born August 29. 1806.

Joseph Sanborn. Born January 14, 1809.

Hazen Sanborn. Born October 15. 1811.

Phebe Sanborn, Born December 22. 1814.

Sylvanus Sanborn, Born August 26, 1818.

Recorded March 8, 1838.

B. Sanborn Town Clerk.

Shubael Sanborn. Born June 18, 1764.

Phebe Sanborn. Born September 30,1771.

These are the Parents of the above Chil- dren.

Births of Benjamin & Hannah Sanborns

Childi'en : Apphia Sanborn, was Born March 3. 1820. Eliza Ann Sanborn, Born December 17,

1823. Joseph Sanborn, Born December 8. 1825. Phebe Smith Sanborn, Born October 12,

1836. "'»■■'?■■ "■

Recorded March 8, 1838, B. Sanborn,

Town Clerk.

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