Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/365

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��27. Rev. JohuOdlin, or Aiidley, A. B., was born in Boston, Nov. IS, 1G81 ; niiir- ried in Exeter, Oct. 21. 17015, and died there Nov. 20, 1754. H. C. 1702; or- dained, Nov. 12, 1700.

28. Elizabetli Woodbridge was born in Windsor. Ct., Apr. 30, 1(373; married lirst, ilev. John Clarli; died in Exeter, Dec. 6, 1729.

29. Br. Gen. Peter Gilman was born in Exeter. Feb. 6, 1701 and "05, and died there Dec. 1, 1788; married lirst, Dec. 8, 1721; second. Dorotliy, widow of Capt. Christopher Ryines. of Dr. Natliauiel Rogers, and of Rev. John Taylor, and daughter of Chief Justice Henry and Dorothy (Wentworth) Sherburne; third Jane Betluine, widow of Dr. Moses Prince ; all widows, and one thrice a wid- ow; had seven children of his own, all daugliters, eleven step-cliildren, and two step-children of one of his wives ; lived to be eiglity-four years old. He commanded a regiment at Crown Point in 1755 ; in 1756 was one of two N. H. com- missioners resident at i^lbany ; was Speaker of N. H. Assembly, from 1759 to 1771; councillor, 1772 and*^ 1773; consid- ered a royalist, he was in 1775 contined to limits of Exeter; was sergeant in 1777, in Col. Stickney's regiment at Ben- nington, an humble place for a brigadier.

30. Mary Thing was born in Exeter, May 3, 1702, and married first, Nov. 3, 1720, Jolin Oilman ; died in Exeter April 26. ,1750. Gen. Peter was her second cousin.

��39. Daniel Gale was born in Salem, Aug. 17, 1676 ; marriage intentions, New- bury, Dec. 1700; died after 1742.

40. Rebecca Swett was born in New- bury, Feb. 27, 1669 and 70; died after 1708.

41. Samuel Clements, cooper, was born in Haverhill, Nov. 2, 1677 ; was married there, July 11, 1705; died there, Oct. 3, 1754.

42. Ruth Peaslee was born in Haver- hill, Feb. 25, 1684 and '85 ; died there af- ter 1752.

43. Ephraim Carter was born in Salis- bury, Nov. 2, 1693 ; of South Hampton 1745; married before 1719; died in Con- cord after Dec. 5. 1772; moved, about 1745, from South Hampton to Penacoolc.

44. Martha ,possibly a Hubbard,

as she had a grandson, Hubbard Carter ; more probably the Martha Tewksbury to whom Samuel Carter, by will, Oct. 13, 1718. left money to be paid by Ephraim Carter. She was probably, then, to be married to Ephraim in a few days.

45. Capt. Ebenezer Eastman was born in Haverhill, Feb. 17, 1681.; married there, Mar.4, 1710; died in Rumford, July 28,

��1748. The proprietors of Penacook met at his tavern in llaverliill ; he was the lirst settler in 1727. He was first moderator, and held ollice until his death, except for four years; was in the expedition against Port Royal. In 1711, in an ex- pedition against the Canadas. saved his transport by disobeying orders, when others who followed them lost eiglit or nine transjiorts and one thousand men. Dr. Bouton calls him the strong man of the town, bold, judicious, determined, and successful. He went to Cape Breton twice in command of a conipan^^, and was present at the surrender of Louis- burg, in 1745. His liouse was a garri- son. The two hundredth anniversary of his birth was celebrated.

46. Sarah Peaslee was born in Haver- hill. Aug. 15, 1790; died in Rumford af- ter 1731 ; not a daughter, as Dr. Bouton says, but probably a sister of Col. Na- thaniel ; probably a Quakeress, and so a fit mate for her martial husband, who was her first cousin. The first Quaker mar- riage in Salisbury was of her brother, at the house of her uncle, Thomas Bar- nard, jr., who gave the lot for the Qua- ker meeting-house.

47. William Stickney was born in Bradfoi-d, Jan. 27. 1674 and '75; married there, Sept. 4, 1701; died there, Feb. 21, 1706, aged 31 years ; very short lived. His estate was £95 15s.

48. Anna Hazeltine was born in Brad- ford, Aug. 4, 1677 ; married second, Samuel Hunt ofBillerica; died July 16, 1757.

49. Thomas Carleton was born in Bradford in 1667 ; married before 1693 ; will there Nov. 23, 1734.

50. Elizabeth Kimball was born Sept. 28, 1679 and survived her husband.

51. Samuel Osgood was born in An- dover. Mar. 10, 1664 and' 65; married there in 1702; administration on estate, June 17. 1717, at Andover.

52. Hannah Dane was born in An- dover, Sept. 29.1680; married second, Nov. 5, 1724, James Pearson, of Lynn.

53. Lieutenant Ricliard Hazen was born in Rowley. Aug. 6. 1669; married first, Dec. 5, 1694, and second. Mrs. Grace Kimball, April 3, 1733 ; died in Haverhill, Sept. 25. 1733. He inherited tlie large estate of George Browne.

54. Mary Peabody was born April 6, 1672; died Dec. 13. 1731.

55. Elisha Odlin, or Audley. was born in Boston, July 1.1640; married Aug. 1659; of Salem, 1714; died in 1724.

56. Abigail Bright was born in Water- town. Oct. 12. 1637; died after 1686; called "Audley" by her father in his will.

57. Rev. Benjamin Woodbridge was born in England in 1654, after his pa-

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