Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/366

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��rents had returned from America ; emi- grated 1663 ; married lirst, June 3, 1672 ; died at Medford, Jan. 15, 170i) and '10; minister of Kittery, Me., Bristol, R. I., and Medford, Mass. His uncle. Itev. Benjamin ^Voodbridge, was first gradu- ate of Harvard.

58. Mary Ward was born at Haverhill, June 24, 1649; died at Bristol, K. 1., Oct. 11, 1685 ; very short lived.

59. Col. John Gilinan was born in Ex- eter. Jan. 19, 1676 and "77 ; married first, June 5, 1698, and second, at Beverly, Dee. 29, 1720, Elizabeth, widow of Dr. JKobert Hale, aud daughter of Xathuniel Clark, of Newbury ; was one of the grantees of Cilinanton, chairman of tlie first board of selectmen, and modera- tor of first meeting of proprietors. He was a large laud-holder; died in Exeter between 1738 and 1742. His brother. Judge Nicholas Oilman, left an estate of £33,931.

iiO. Elizabeth Cofliii was born in Dov- er, Jan. 27, 1680-81, and died at Execer. July 10, 1720 ; very short lived.

61. John Thing was boru in Exeter, June 16, 1680 ; married first, before 1702, and second, before 1713, Love, widow of Thomas Wentworth.

62. Mehitable Stevens died between 1702 and 1713.

��79. Bartholomew Gale, fisherman, of Salem, was born before 1642; married first, 1662, Martha, danghter of liobert Lemon, and second, in Salem, Mar. 12, 1662 and "63. He died alter 1678.

80. Mary Bacon died after 1678.

81. Stephen Swett, of Newbury, was born in England, 1620 ; emigi-ated with his father; married first. May 24. 1647, Hannah, daughter of John and Eliza- beth Merrill, and second, Aug. 4, 1663 ; died before July 22, 1703.

82. Kebecca Smith, born Feb. 20, 1639 and '40, and died in Newbury, Mar. 1, 1670, in child-birth, aged 30; the shortest lived of this list.

83. John Clements was born in Haver- hill. 1653; married there, Feb. 22, 1676 and '77 ; and died there. May 16, 1692 ; very short lived.

84. Elizabeth Ayer, born Dec. 3, 1659.

85. Dr. Joseph Peaslee, jr., was born in Haverhill, Sept. 9, 1646; married before 1673; and died there. Mar. 21, 1734 and '35.

86. Kuth Barnard was born in Salis- bury, Oct. 16, 1651, and died in Haver- hill, Nov. 5, 1723.

87. John Carter, of Salisbury, was bora Mar. 18, 1650; married before 1681 ; and died 1726, in Sahsbury.

88. Martb

��91. Philip Eastman was born in Salis- bury, Dec. 20, 1644; married in New- bury. Aug. 22. 1678; lived in Haverhill: was taken captive by Indians ; and li d his house burned. On his return moved to Woodstock, Ct.

92. Mary Barnard was born in Salis- bury. Sept. 22, 1645; married first, in Newbury, Nov. 11, 1669, Anthony Morse, jr.

93. Dr. Joseph Peaslee, jr. See 85.

94. liuth Barnard. See' 86.

95. Jjieut. Samuel Stickuey was born in England, 1633; of Boston, 1638; married first, in Rowley, April 18. 1653, daughter of Richard Swan, and second, in Bradford. April 6, 1674; and died there 1709 ; was selectman and repre- sentative, and one of eighteen to found a church at Bradford ; came in same ves- sel with Thomas, Jane, and Hannali Grant.

96. Prudence Leaver was born in Rowlej^ Aug. 11, 1644; married first. Benj. Gage, Oct. 11. 1671; and died in Bradford, Oct. 26, 1716.

97. Capt. David Hazeltine was born between 1653 and 1657. in Rowley; married, Nov. 26, 1668, in Bradford; and died there, Aug. 31. 1717; town-clerk of Bradford f ronri690 to 1703.

98. Marv Jewett was born in Rowley. Feb. 18, 1646 and "47.

99. Jjieut. John Carleton was born in Chertsey. Surrey, 1630 ; married in Rowie}^; and died in Haverhill. Jan. 22. 1668 and "69 ; very short lived.

100. Hannah Jewett was born in Row- ley, June 15, 1641 ; married second. Oct. 5, 1674, Christopher Babbage, of Salem ; and died after 1684.

101. John Kimball; will, Feb. 19, 1717 and T8; proved April, 1721.

102. Sarah probably first mar- ried a Barton; alive 1721.

103. Capt. John Osgood was born in Wherwell, Hampshire, 1631 ; married in Haverhill, Nov. 15, 1653; and died in Andover, Aug. 21, 1693, according to Savage, " no doubt in soaie degree from the torment inflicted on his wife by accusation of witchcraft in the damna- ble delusion of 1692, though she saved her life by confession of impossible guilt ; " was a slave-holder and inurkeeper ; often selectman, and representative, 1666,1669, 1689, and 1690, witii high popularity, as he had been imprisoned by Andros for rebellion.

104. Mar}^ Clements was born in Cov- entry, Warwickshire. 1637 ; emigrated 1652 ; and died at Andover after 1693 ; on the entreaty of her friends, to save her life, confessed that her name was written in characters of fire in the devil's own book. Her family, and her

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