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The Grateful Dead.


F. H. von der Hagen, Gesammtabenteuer, 1850, i. 105-128, no. 6. A poem of 866 lines from the fourteenth century. Summaries in Benfey, Pant. i. 221, in Simrock, pp. 100-103, and, with a rather bad error, in Hippe, p. 164. See Foerster, Richars li Biaus, p. xxiv. Compared with Richars, Oliver, and Lion de Bourges by Wilhelmi, pp. 56 f.

Treu Heinrich.

Der Junker und der treue Heinrich, ed. K. Kinzel, 1880. Previously edited and analyzed by von der Hagen, Gesammtabenteuer, iii. 197-255, no. 64. Summary by Simrock, pp. 103 f. Cited by Hippe, p. 165.

Simrock I.

J. W. Wolf, Deutsche Hausmärchen, 1858, pp. 243-250, contributed by W. von Plönnies. Summary by Simrock, pp. 46-51, by Köhler, Or. und Occ. iii. 98, and by Sepp, p. 683. Cited by Hippe, p. 165.

Simrock II.

W. von Plönnies in Zts. f. deutsche Myth. ii. 373-377. From the Odenwald. Summary by Simrock, pp. 51-54. See Hippe, p. 165. This is the story analyzed by Sepp, p. 688 f., though he also refers to Wolf's and Zingerle's tales.

Simrock III.

E. Meier, Deutsche Volksmärchen aus Schwaben, 1852, no. 42. pp. 143-153. Summarized by Simrock, pp. 54-58, Köhler, Or. und Occ. iii. 99, and Sepp, pp. 686 f. See Hippe, p. 165.

Simrock IV.

H. Pröhle, Kinder- und Volksmärchen, 1853, pp. 239-246. Summary by Simrock, pp. 58-62. See Hippe, p. 165.

Simrock V.

Simrock, pp. 62-65, contributed by Zingerle, who afterwards printed it in the Zts.f. deutsche Myth. ii. 367 ff., in Sagen, Märchen und Gebräuche aus Tirol, 1859, pp. 444 f., and in Kinder- und Hausmärchen aus Tirol, 2nd ed., 1870, pp. 261-267. Analyzed without mention of source by Sepp, pp. 687 f. See Hippe, p. 165.