Page:The Great Didactic of John Amos Comenius (1896).pdf/388

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This may be demonstrated by the example of Lazarus and the rich man; for the soul of the former was carried away by angels into heaven, while that of the latter was carried by devils into hell.

15. (vi) And that those are thrice happy, who order their conduct in such a way that they are found worthy to stand in God’s presence.

For apart from God, the source of light and of life, there is nothing but darkness, terror, agony, and everlasting death that knows no end; so that it were better that they had never been born, who stray from God and cast themselves into the pit of eternal destruction.

16. (vii) But that those who have communed with God on earth, will go to Him after death.

As did Enoch and Elias, both while living, and others also (Gen. v. 24).

17. (viii) That those commune with God who keep Him continually before their eyes, fear Him, and fulfil His word.

And that this is the whole duty of man (Eccles. xi. 13), to which Christ referred when He said, “There is but one thing needful” (Luke x. 42). This is what Christians should ever have on their lips and in their hearts, lest, like Martha, they be too much engrossed with the cares of this life.

18. (ix) They should, therefore, acquire the habit of referring to God all that they see, hear, touch, do, and endure on earth.

Instances of this should be given. Those, for instance (it may be pointed out), who devote themselves to letters and a life of contemplation, should do so with but one object in view, namely, that they may see in everything the power, the wisdom, and the goodness of God, that they may be filled with love for Him, and may unite themselves so fast to Him in love that they can never be torn away. Those, again, who are engaged in practical pursuits, such as agriculture or mechanics, these have to seek bread and the necessaries of life; but they should do so merely that they may live in decent comfort, and should strive to live thus solely that they may be enabled to serve God with a