Page:The Greek and Eastern churches.djvu/429

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to as many as 3,470 persons. In some cases a name is followed by one of the clauses, "with his wife," " with his wife and children," "with his son," "with his daugliter." Probably the true solution of the problem is that there was a strain of madness in the tsar which first showed itself in melancholia during a time of seclusion, and then at the end of his reign in some approach to homicidal mania. A cruel, self-willed, passionate tyrant, of great ability, energy, and prowess, successful to a remarkable degree in war, strong and wise in much of his civil government, rigorous in the observances of religion and enforcing the same rigour on those about him, Ivan is one of the most weird characters in all history—a mad genius, doing his worst to ruin the empire he had built up with magnificent ability; a diabolical devotee wading through seas of blood to his untimely prayers.