Page:The Greek and Eastern churches.djvu/654

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Beard, the image of God, 445.
Bef-popoftsky, 447.
Benediction, Position of fingers in, 416.
Benjamin, Coptic patriarch, 575.
Berlin, Treaty of, 351.
Bernard of Clairvaux, 251.
Bernard of Tarsus, 257 f.
Bêth 'Abhê, 486.
Bible in Greek vernacular, 329.
Bible Society, 338.
Bielo-ozero monastery, 382.
Bishops, privileges and duties of, 135.
Bogislav, Stephen, 351.
Bogomiles, 225 ff.
Bohemond, 249.
Book of Governors, 484 ff.
Boris Godunov, 379.
Bosnia, 353.
Britain, 13.
Bruce's travels, 624.
Bryennios, 342.
Bulgaria, 348 ff.
Bulgarian atrocities, 350.
Burkitt, 468.
Bury, 193.
Byzantine Empire, Fall of, 256 ff.
Byzantine forces defeated, 169.
Cabasilas, 281.
Caliphate, 170, 585 ff.
Calvinism, 319.
Camel, Sultan, 254.
Canons of Chalcedon, 135.
Canons Sardican, 134.
Cantacuzenus, 265.
Cappadocians, the, 71 ff.
Capuchins at Astrakan, 430.
Carbeas, 222.
Caroline Books, 240.
Cassian, 148.
Catherine the Great, 434.
Celestius, 96.
Censer confession, 606.
Ceylon, 527.
Chail i., 591.
Chail ii., 593.
Chail iii., 596.
Chail iv., 604.
Chalcedon, Canons, 135.
Chalcedon, Council; 99 ff.
Chaldæa, 167.
Chaldæans, 497 ff.
Charles the Great, 233, 294.
Chenouda i., 594.
Chenouda ii., 601.
China, 527, 533 ff..
Chosroes, 172.

Christ, Body of, 120.
Christ, Byzantine, 105.
Christ, Divinity of, 54, 105, 503 ff.
Christ, Nature of, 93 ff., 101, 503 ff.
Christianity outside the Empire, 294 ff.
Christobulus, 602.
Christological controversies, Later. 117 ff.
Chrysanthus, 324.
Chrysocheir, 223.
Chrysostom, 83 ff.
Church organisation, 132 ff.
Clement of Alexandria, 7.
Cochin, 538.
Codex Argenteus, 307.
Codex Carolinus, 307.
Cœnobitism, 148.
Commodus. 22.
Communion office, 277.
Confessional, 606.
Constantine the Great, 10, 27 ff.
Constantine iv., 129.
Constantine v., "Copronicus," 197 ff., 341.
Constantine vi., Porphyrogenitus, 202, 212.
Constantine of Nacolia, 192.
Constantine Pognatus, 130.
Constantinople, founded, 29, 137.
Constantinople, Disturbances at, 114.
Constantinople, captured by Latins, 253.
Constantinople, recovered by Palæologus, 260.
Constantinople, taken by Turks, 270 ff.
Constantinople, I. Council, 82 ff.
Constantinople, II. Council, 119, 157.
Constantinople, III. Council, 125.
Constantinople, Creed of, 83.
Constantinople, Patriarchate, 137 ff., 336.
Constantinople, Prerogatives of, 137.
Constantius, 59 ff., 305.
Conybeare, 152, 216.
Coonen cross, 530.
Copts, 93, 138, 172, 293, 553 ff.
Corinth pillaged, 329.
Cosmas, 518.
Cosmas the Student, 586.
Council, Œcumenical, 1st, Nicæa, 50 ff.
Council, Œcumenical, 2nd, Constantinople. 82 ff., 137.
Council, Œcumenical, 3rd, Ephesus, 96 ff.
Council, Œcumenical, 4th, Chalcedon, 99 ff., 543 ff., 565 ff.