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The International Theological Library VOLUMES NOW READY The Ancient Catholic Church. By Robert rmny, d.d., ll.d. "As a comprehensive work on the formative stage of the Church's ex- perience the volume will easily find its place in the front rank among books on the subject composed in the English language." — The Interior. Crown 8vo. $2.50 net. The Reformation in Germany. By thomas m. lindsay, M.A., D.D. Crown 8vo. $2.50 ttet. The Reformation in Lands Beyond Germany. ByTnoMAs M. Lindsay, D.D. " Together these two volumes will at once take their place as the clas- sical English History of the Reformation." — The Expository Times. " The good balance of material which he has attained by a self-denying exclusion, as well as by much research and inclusion of fresh material, makes the work a real addition to our materials for study." — The Congregationalist. Crown 8vo. $2.50 net. Canon and Text of the New Testament. By casper rene Gregory, D.D., LL.D. "The book is a treasury of learning, and its fairness in dealing with the matter in hand is admirable. From first to last, the purpose of the author is not to show upon how slight basis our confidence in the can- onicity of the New Testament is based, but rather upon how solid a foundation our confidence rests." — Journal and Messenger. Crown Svo. $2.50 net. The Greek and Eastern Churches. By Walter f. adeney, M.A., D.D. Crown Svo. $2.50 net.