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The International Critical Commentary VOLUMES NOW READY EcclesiaSteS. By George a. barton, Ph.O., Professor of Biblical Literature, Bryn Mawr College, Pa. " It is a relief to find a commentator on Ecclesiastes who is not en- deavoring to defend some new theory. This volume, in the International Commentary series, treats the book in a scholarly and sensible fashion, presenting the conclusions of earlier scholars together with the author's own, and providing thus all the information that any student needs." — The Congregationalist. Crown 8vo. $2.25 net (Postage additional). St. Matthew. By the Rev. Willoughby C. Allen, M.A., Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. "As a microscopic and practically exhaustive study and itemized state- ment of the probable or possible sources of the Synoptic Gospels and of their relations, one to another, this work has not been surpassed. I doubt if it has been equaled. And the author is not by any means lacking in spiritual insight." — The Methodist Review (Nashville). Crown 8vo. $3.00 net. St. Mark. By the Rev. E. P. Gould, D.D., sometime Professor of New Testament Exegesis, P. E. Divinity School, Philadelphia. " The whole make-up is that of a thoroughly helpful, instructive critical study of the Word, surpassing anything of the kind ever attempted in the English language, and to students and clergymen knowing the proper use of a commentary it will prove an invaluable aid." — The Liitheran Quarterly. Crown 8vo. $2.50 net. ijt. Luke. By the Rev. Alfred Plummer, D.D., sometime Master of University College, Durham. " We are pleased with the thoroughness and scientific accuracy of the interpretations. ... It seems to us that the prevailing characteristic of the book is common sense, fortified by learning and piety." — The Herald and Presbyter. Crown Svo. $3.00 net. ROi lanS. By the Rev. William Sanday, D.D., LL.D., Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, and Canon of Christ Church, Oxford, and the Rev. A. C. Headlam, M.A., I'.D., Principal of Kings College, London. " We do not hesitate to commend this as the best commentary on Romans yet written in English. It will do much to popularize this admirable and much needed series, by showing that it is possible to be critical and scholarly and at the same time devout and spiritual, and intelligible to plain Bible readers." — The Church Standard. Crown Svo. $^.00 net.