Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 25.pdf/354

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Little Tin Pan tory of the Supreme Court of the United States," was referred to by Mr. W. U. Hensel in his nominating speech as one of the most "splendid ornaments of the


bar." His high attainments and the work he has already done for the advance ment of professional standards render his selection highly gratifying.

Little Tin


By Dan C. Rule. Jr. THEY knew him not in Greenville, and so no welcoming hand Met his in friendly greeting; the local cornet band Appeared not at the station to voice in martial bars A general rejoicing as he stepped from off the cars; But now, were he to leave them and later come again, So close would he be crowded by laughing, cheering men, That guards would have to follow and heralds cry before, "Make way, make way for Lucius Tiberius Penselgore!" Although he came unnoted upon that fateful day, 'Twas not to be expected 'twould be any other way, For the truth must be admitted though we like it or do not, That personal appearance is a thing that counts a lot. They would have looked with favor on some portly man of war. Or gazed with admiration at a dreadnought of the bar, But loiterers in Greenville took but passing interest in This chubby little gentleman with dimpled cheeks and chin Who was gaited like a robin and whose manners were so mild He seemed almost as gentle as a stageland angel-child. If a cherub's wings were hidden by a business suit it wore, It would bear a strong resemblance to L. T. Penselgore. The little staff of workers upon the Greenville Blade Took one long look at Lucius and turned away dismayed, And each one asked his neighbor in tones of plumbless grief What the owner meant by hiring such an editor-in-chief. For Lucius entered mildly on his initial day, Shaking hands with his assistants in a gently bashful way, (So young he seemed and boyish that the foreman printer's said To have yielded to an impulse to pat him on the head), Then softly sought his sanctum, laid aside his hat and coat, And for less than forty minutes with amazing speed, he wrote; Then turning from his labors, as though on pleasure bent Disappeared behind a volume labeled "Commentaries, Kent."