Page:The Hardships of the English Laws in Relation to Wives. Bodleian copy.pdf/29

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be equally prevalent in all Caſes, and a Wife is not exempted from Puniſhment in Caſe of Treaſon, though it ſhould appear that ſhe committed this Treaſon in Concert with, and in the Preſence of her Huſband: A ſuppoſed Compulſion from perſonal Strength will not exempt a Boy from Puniſhment, if he robs, or murders with any Man, except his Father; but the Father's Authority shall excuse the Son, till the Son is at Years of Discretion, when it is supposed that he must; understand, that the Command of God ſuperſedes that of a Father, and that it is at his Peril if he does not obey God rather than Man.

A Son is not conſider'd as a free Agent, when he Acts with his Father, till he comes to the full uſe of his underſtanding; and the Indulgence he receives before, is a Favour to the Weakneſs of his Intellects, not to the Weakneſs of his Body.

In Short, either Wives can judge how far, and in what inſtances an Huſband is to be obeyed, or they cannot: If they are ſo undiſcerning as not to be able to perceive the eſſential Difference between obeying their Huſbands in the Lord, and in the direct Oppoſition to and Defiance of him; then let their blind Obedience to their Huſbands excuſe them in the Caſe of Treaſon as well
