Page:The Hardships of the English Laws in Relation to Wives. Bodleian copy.pdf/30

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as it does in other Caſes: But if they cannot plead this Darkneſs of the Underſtanding, why are they treated like Children or Idiots? I can aſſign but one Reaſon for theſe Inconſiſtencies, namely, that it is for the Intereſt of the Community as a Body Politick, that Wives ſhould be puniſh'd as free Agents for Treaſon. but that, in Reſpect to the private Royalties of Huſbands, in other Caſes they are not expected to judge of Right and of Wrong; 'tis ſufficient for them, if their Actions confeſs they accede to the Juriſdiction of their Huſbands.

But if they will ſtill tell us, that this Exemption from Puniſhment, was deſigned as a Favour to the Weakneſs of the Sex, we muſt take upon our ſelves to ſay, that, that Sophiſtry is vain; we underſtand better, and know that it is a fine Compliment to the Authority of our domeſtick Lords and Maſters: Had they a real Care for the Sex, they would not grant ſuch an Impunity, which might be a Temptation to commit ſuch Facts, upon which everlaſting Damnation is denounced. But they teach us whom to fear. What are their judgments, if their Mercies are thus Cruel!

That this is their real meaning, give me leave to produce one notable Inſtance, as it was related in one of the publick Papers ſome time ago.