Page:The Hare.djvu/173

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the National Coursing Club at such time and place as the President may appoint.

(k) All cases arising in Ireland or Scotland shall be heard by the National Coursing Club at its meeting in Liverpool.

(l) A month's notice must be given to the Secretary of any business or proposed alteration of Rules before it can be discussed at an Ordinary Meeting of the National Coursing Club; and at a Special Meeting nothing but the special business for which the meeting was called can be brought before it.

(m) The Secretary of the National Coursing Club shall be allowed, subject to approval by the National Coursing Club at the Summer Meeting, all expenses incurred by him in connection with the National Club during the preceding year.

Code of Rules

As Revised and Adopted June 26, 1895.

1. The Secretary and Stewards.—For any proposed Open Meeting a Committee of not less than three shall be formed, who, with the Secretary, shall settle preliminaries. The management of the Meeting shall be entrusted to this Committee, in conjunction with Stewards, who shall be elected by the subscribers present at the first evening of meeting. The Secretary, if honorary, shall be a member of the Committee and a Steward ex officio. The Stewards alone shall decide any disputed question by a majority of those present, subject to an appeal to the National Coursing Club. No Steward shall have a right to vote in any case relating to his own dogs. The Secretary shall declare, on or before the evening pre-