Page:The Heart of Jainism (IA heartofjainism00stevuoft).djvu/27

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  • Barodia, U. D., History and Literature of Jainism, Bombay, 1909.
  • Benārsi Dāss, Lāla, Lecture on Jainism, Agra, 1902.
  • Bhandarkar, R. G., Report on the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during the year 1883–4, Bombay, 1887.
  • Bombay Gazetteer, vol. ix, part I.
  • Bühler, J. G., On the Indian Sect of the Jainas (translated and edited with an outline of Jaina mythology by J. Burgess), London, 1903.
  • —— Ueber das Leben des Jaina-Mönches Hemachandra, Vienna, 1889.
  • Colebrooke, H. T., Miscellaneous Essays, vol. ii, London, 1873.
  • Crooke, W., Article on Indian Religions in the Imperial Gazetteer of India, vol. i, Oxford, 1909.
  • De Milloué, Essai sur la religion des Jains, Le Muséon, Louvain, 1884.
  • Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics (E.R.E.): articles on Jaina topics.
  • Girnāra Māhātmya (in Gujarātī).
  • Guérinot, A. A., Essai de bibliographie jaina, Paris, 1906.
  • Hoernle, A. F. R., Annual Address, Asiatic Society of Bengal (A.S.B.), Calcutta, 1898.
  • —— Uvāsagadasāo, Calcutta, 1890.
  • Hopkins, E. W., The Religions of India, Boston, 1895.
  • Jacobi, H., Sacred Books of the East (S.B.E.), vols. xxii and xlv.
  • —— The Metaphysics and Ethics of the Jainas (Transactions of the Congress for the History of Religion), Oxford, 1908.
  • —— Edition of Heuiaċandra’s Pariśiṣṭa Parvan (Bibl. Ind.), Calcutta, 1891.
  • Jaina Dharma Praveśa Pothī Series, Ahmadābād, 1907 (in Gujarati).
  • Jaini, Manak Chand, Life of Mahāvīra, Allahabad, 1908.
  • Jhaveri, J. L., First Principles of Jaina Philosophy, Bombay, 1912.
  • Latthe, A. B., An Introduction to Jainism, Bombay, 1905.
  • ‘Seeker’, Notes on the Sthanaktvasi or the non-Idoatrous Shwetambar Jains, India, 1911.
  • Shāh, Popatlāl K., Jaina Dharma Nirūpaṇa (in Gujarātī).