Page:The Heart of Jainism (IA heartofjainism00stevuoft).djvu/28

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  • Smith, Vincent A., The Early History of India (third edition), Oxford, 1914.
  • Stevenson, Rev. J., Nava Tatva, London, 1848.
  • Stevenson, Mrs. Sinclair, Notes on Modern Jainism, Oxford, 1910.
  • Weber, A., Sacred Literature of the Jainas (tr,), Indian Antiquary (I. A.), xvii (i888)–xxi (1892).

Jaina Architecture and Archaeology.

  • Bühler, J. G. Specimens of Jaina Sculptues from Mathurā, Epigraphia Indica, i (1892) and ii (1894).
  • Burgess, J., Digatnbara Jaina Iconography, I. A., xxxii (1903).
  • Fergusson, J., History of Indian and Eastern Architecture (new edition), London, 1910.
  • Fergusson, J., and J. Burgess, Cave Temples, London, 1880.
  • Guérinot, A. A., Répertoire d’épigraphie jaina, Paris, 1908.
  • Smith, Vincent A., A History of Fine Art in India and Ceylon, Oxford, 1911.