Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/140

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(juently went into Egypt to Cleopatra, ivhere he meditated Tengeance against Artavazd.*

Some time after, when Artavazd was visiting 3970 ; Nisibis, there came messengers from Antony wiih an invitation to visit him in Egypt> de- signing to do him some injury if he accepted it Artavazd suspected him, and therefore declined the proposal. Herenpon Antony asked the daughter of the king in marriage for his son, and by this means sought to inveigle him into his power. This also was refused. Antony then came into Armenia Mi- nor, and desired Artavazd to meet him there> under the pretence -of holding a, consulta- tion with him. But nothing could do away the suspicion of the king, and he retired into Lower Armenia. Antony then marched into Armenia Major, and circulating a rumour that he was about undertaking anether expedition against Persia, sent an ambassador to Artavazd to invite him to a conference, but still without effect. The Armenian king continued to avoid him, and for that purpose retreated to Artashat. Antony then again tried by negotiation to induce Artavazd to meet him, sometimes through the medium of the friends of the king, at other times threatening to pursue him with his army. He also made him the most solemn promises that he

  • 3ee Hist. B. II, c. 13.

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