Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/141

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should be safe. Artarazd, at length overccAe by the soiicitaiioBs of his friends, and relying on the faith of the Roman, came into his camp, where he was no sooner arrived than Antony caused him to be ahrested and fettered with golden chains.

This occurred in the fifth year of his reign. Antony also seized the isons of the Armenian king, and put chains on them, and with the whole of the family retired to Egypt, where Hhef were mslde a present to queen Cleppatra. They were here obliged to suffer many indignities. They were forced to prostrate themselves before Cleopatra, and on their manifesting at first some reluctance to do this, they were treated with great severity by the Egyptian queen. After this Antony again came into Armenia, and appointed his son Alexander king of the country tying between the river A rax and Mesopotamia, that is. Lower Armenia, and he gave Upper Annenia» lying on the other side of the Arax, to the king of the Medes, whose daughter Johtapey was espoused to his son Alexander. He entrusted the king of Pontus with Armenia Minor. Shortly after, Antony descended to Ephesus, where he caused himself to be crowned, and struck coins^ on which were engraved these words, ** Antony the conqueror of Armenia/'

Augustus^ thii emperor of Romd, immediately

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