Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/142

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subsequent had a quarrel with Antony; and there ensued a war between these two great commanders, the like to which the world had never before witnessed. Antony was defeated, and fled with disgrace into Egypt. Cleopatra, in the bitterness of her soul for the ill success of her paramour, caused king Artavazd to be beheaded. Antony, despairing of future suc- cess against Augustus, put himself to death, and Cleopatra quickly followed his example. She perished through the sting of an asp which she caused to be placed upon her arm. of his nephew Artavazd by Antony, assumed the crown of Armenia at the age of 60 years, but was obliged by the Romans to flee into Persia, where he lived for some time in great distress. On the 3^3 »

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death of Antony, the king of Persia, Arshavir, assembled troops, and placing himself and Ar- sharn^ the lawful sovereign of Armenia, at their head, marched into Upper Armenia, drove out the Medes, and restored Arsham to the throne of his ancestors. ArsHam then proceeded with an army into Lower Armenia, and succeeded in defeating the Romans who had been left there by Antony. He then saw himself, with the assistance of the Persians, in the entire posses- sion of Armenia, even to the borders of Cesarea. Upper Armenia was shortly afterwards ceded te

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