Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/146

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nation. In the same year it pleased our Blessed Saviour, the uncreate image of the Eternal Father, to assume the form of man, and to be born of the Holy Virgin. At the very period in which mankind was numbered, their Redeemer entered upon his labour. About this period^^* Herod, king of the Jews, puffed up with pride, sent statues of himself into various nations, with a command to place them in the temples near to those of Augustus. Abgar refused to comply with the wishes of the haughty and vain-glo- rious king, and thereby excited his resentment : nor was it long before an opportunity occurred by which he endeavoured to gratify it. Herod sent his nephew Joseph with a mighty force into Armenia, but the invaders were courageously met by Abgar and defeated ; their leader was slain, with a great number of his troops. The survivors fled in terror and confusion. Herod soon. after died.

The Emperor Augustus about this time began 4004 i

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to View Abgar with an eye of suspicion, on account of some unfavourable allegations of his enemies at Rome. Having been apprised of this by his friends, Abgar repaired to that city, to remove the unfavourable impression that had been made on the Emperor s mind, as well as to renew and confirm the treaty which existed between the ArmMilM and Romans. When a. d. i.

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