Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/147

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A4}gar was introduced into the presence of Auglis^ tus, the latter was astonished at the imposing and noble figure of the Armenian monarch. But when they entered into conversation, the emperor s astonishment changed to admiration, by reason of the wisdom displayed by Abgar. Augustus thenceforward regarded him with the warmest feeling of friendship, and during his stay could scarcely bear his absence for a single day, so great was the d-esire he felt to enjoy his society. He remained three years at Rome> and the Emperor with great reluctance per- mitted him to return to Armenia, which was indeed highly expedient, in consequence dT the disordered state of affairs in that country. On bis arrival at Nisibis, the king set about improving his dominions^ He made many ex^ cellent laws, and beautified the kingdom by the erection of many edifices devoted to public purposes, and founded a city in Mesopotamia> to which he gave the name of Abgarshat. A, b. 14. After the death of Augustus, and the succession of Tiberius to the supreme power at Rome, the latter took occasion to insult the Armenians in the person of Abgar, who determined to make an effort to shake off the Roman yoke. For this purpose he rebuilt the city of Edessa^ and fortified it in such a manner as to be able to stand a long siege. He then removed bis

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